Advanced Electric Vehicle

Director & Support Staff

Richard Hill, PhD, Program Chair

Rick Hill

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering teaches controls, dynamics, and instrumentation. His research interests are in discrete-event system modeling and control, nonlinear control, and vehicle and manufacturing applications. Dr. Hill holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and an MS in Applied Mathematics from the University of Michigan, an MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Southern California.

Prior to joining the UDM faculty, Dr. Hill worked at Lockheed Martin Corporation on satellite attitude reference and control and was a high school math and science teacher. He joined the University in 2008.

Telephone: 313-578-0428



Jill Werdell Spreitzer, Librarian Consultant

Provides reference services, instruction in database searching, and research skills instruction. She facilitates collection development for the civil, mechanical and manufacturing engineering programs, communication studies, bioethics and philosophy/ethics. Spreitzer holds a B.S. degree in Biology from University of Michigan and a M.S.L.S. degree in Library Science from Wayne State University.

Ms. Spreitzer was honored in 2013 as the Libraries/IDS Employee of the Year for her leadership and dedicated "Virtual Reference" services. She joined the University in 1999.

Telephone: 313-993-1221